

Adventure Sports Podcast Interview for Dirty Inspirations (and more!)

In my podcast interview with Adventure Sports Podcast we talk about, not only, my new book, Dirty Inspirations, but how I came to doing all the events and adventures showcased in the book. Huge thanks to Curt at Adventure Sports Podcast for pulling out some intriguing conversation through his questions and interaction. Get a feel for me, my new book and a brief tap into the mind of an endurance athlete in this podcast! Enjoy. Terri  


Category: Adventure




Dirty Inspirations—Teaser #2—Afraid of Fear

NOTE: Leading into my book launch on January 26th, I thought it would be fun to post a few chapter ‘teasers’ to give you a tiny taste whats in store for you. I’ll chat more on how and why this all came about at my book launch and signing at Bookshop Santa Cruz, Feb. 3rd at 7:00 PM. You can pre-order the book at this link. See you then! In the meantime… enjoy… From: #2 Afraid of Fear The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. —Joseph Campbell “In the crisp predawn sky, the air was as still as a coiled snake, ready to strike. The only audible sound was the constructive whoosh of our five paddle blades simultaneously […]


Category: Adventure




Dirty Inspirations – Book Launch and Signing!

You are invited! So many of you have seen me through the adventures showcased in this book. Lets celebrate at my upcoming Book Launch and Signing. Pre-order a signed copy of the book at this link.  


Category: Adventure




Dirty Inspirations: Sneak Peek!

 Dirty Inspirations: Lessons From the Trenches of Extreme Endurance Sports will be released on January 26. Pre-order your book at a discounted price then email me and I’ll send you a thank you postcard! Dirty Inspirations has been my blog for many years. Despite its intrigue as a potentially pornographic blog, it instead speaks to those of us who like to get down and dirty—literally. Many of the adventures that have existed here (and a bunch that existed prior) have been expanded, contemplated for their inspirational and intellectual value, and made into a book. If you have any curiosity as to how and why humans push limits and what we derive from these endeavors, this is the book for you. […]


Category: Adventure




A Moment of the Allure of Fastpacking (or not)

We decided to end day 3 of our several day foray on the lower 100 mile section of the John Muir Trail at around 11 PM. Unusually, our selected sleep spot happened to be near other hikers in a very used camp area with a bear box (a metal container which, if locked properly, protects the bears from our food). Nancy and I had been jovially referring to ourselves as the stray dogs of the trail while tucking into nooks and crannies of the granite landscape to sleep. But this night would define our self imposed nickname. When one decides to go very light on a trek many items such as a tent, stove, fuel, pot, most all toiletry items, […]


Category: Adventure




I Have Ants in My …Travel Mojo

“Do you think travel is an addiction?” I randomly probed my friend Greg, a frequent travel and adventure companion. “Yes,” he replied deadpan and surprisingly quick. “Hmmmm,” I perused, “I’ve never considered myself addicted to anything, but I definitely feel a strong yearning or restless angst if I haven’t ventured out for a bit. I can’t seem to shake it.” Greg shot me a knowing grin. If I don’t have a finalized travel experience looming, an idea brewing or preparations in full swing, I feel compelled to engage in one of the above before things get kinda, antsy. Greg is one of a select few hearty types that I send emails to with ideas like; “How about if we do […]


Category: Adventure