Dirty Inspirations: Sneak Peek!

 Dirty Inspirations: Lessons From the Trenches of Extreme Endurance Sports will be released on January 26. Pre-order your book at a discounted price then email me and I’ll send you a thank you postcard!

Dirty Inspirations has been my blog for many years. Despite its intrigue as a potentially pornographic blog, it instead speaks to those of us who like to get down and dirty—literally. Many of the adventures that have existed here (and a bunch that existed prior) have been expanded, contemplated for their inspirational and intellectual value, and made into a book. If you have any curiosity as to how and why humans push limits and what we derive from these endeavors, this is the book for you.

This is also a book about travel. Not travel from the comfort of a bus or a stroll through a historical city, but excursions to the most remote parts of the planet while interacting with indigenous peoples. Cultural adventures that take us back in time.

But though hard core adventurers or travelers will devour this book readily, you don’t have to be in those arenas to connect with this book. Because the pages also explore what it means to be human. We’ll be discussing this—what it means to be vulnerable, and exposed and still grapple for some solid ground. Kinda like what we often have to do in every day life.

As you can see from the Table of Contents below, we will go on journeys together in some of the coolest places on the planet, but the crux of our experience will be about the intrigue and desire in living a full life of pushing limits.

Stay tuned for more excerpts posted prior to launch date on January 26th! You can pre-order your book at a discount. Get more detailed info about the book at this link.

Please join me for a Book Launch and Signing on February 3rd at 7:00 PM at Book Shop Santa Cruz!

Back at you soon – Terri

 Dirty Inspirations: Lessons From the Trenches of Extreme Endurance Sports

Table of Contents

1. The Biggest Game in Sport

Roth, Germany and Kona, Hawaii, 1992

2. Afraid of Fear

Utah, 1995

3. The Elixir

Northeastern Australia, 1997

4. Probing Commitment

Northern California, 1999

5. Why Risk?

Costa Rica, 2000

6. Lucid Insanity

Borneo, Malaysia, 2000

7. Suffer Well

Tibet and Nepal, 2000

8. A Lesson Redesign

New Zealand, 2001

9. Finding Comfort in Discomfort

Western States Trail, California, 2005

10. The Big Stretch

Sahara Desert, Egypt, 2005

11. Painting Your Authentic Self

Yosemite National Park, California, 2006

12. Exceptionality Is a Family Affair

Gobi Desert, China, 2006

13. Civilization Reflected

Aconcagua, Argentina, 2007

14. Does the Gut Rule?

Denali, Alaska Range, 2007

15. The Unintended Observer

Ecuador, 2008

16. The Virtues of Enduring

California, 2010


The (Inconvenient) Gift






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