

We Are What We Think: Part 2

Note: Post from Athleta Chi. In my last post, I touched on the ‘whys’ and ‘whats’ of mental training as we started thinking about what our internal brain feed looks like when we train. In this post, I’ll offer you a few tools to develop your own mental training process—wrapped into a real life story. I’ve had quite a few poignant experiences highlighting the challenges and successes of how this work has moved in my life—stories that bring us through jungles, deserts, and on mountains—some of which I’ll share in future posts. But my initiation to the significant power of mental training goes way back in time to my life in triathlon and racing the Ironman distance. So in Part 2 […]


Category: Sport Psychology




We are What We Think: Part 1

POSTED FROM THE ATHLETA CHI BLOG: A ‘Why’ and ‘What’ of Mental Training for Sport (and Life!) A month ago I tossed out a question on my Facebook wall: “As an athlete, do you spend focused time working on mental training?” This was a tiny test to a) see if folks had a sense for what mental training is, and b) get a feel for where mental training lies on their priority scale. My ‘test’ was admittedly remedial, but even the tiny sample size did uncover a couple things I have realized from many years as a coach and sport psychology consultant with lots of athletes: That the majority are uninitiated to structured mental training and its powerful benefits, and […]


Category: Sport Psychology