A FREE Triathlon Revolution and a Reluctant then Inspired Author

When a publisher approaches you about writing a book for them, its kinda silly to turn them down even if it wasn’t the book you were interested in writing at the time. Which was the case when I was approached about writing Triathlon Revolution: Training, Technique and InspirationThe sport of triathlon had not been lacking in some great literature highlighting its amazingness from all angles for quite some time. So why did I take on this project?

I took up the then-new sport in the early 80’s while getting my degree in exercise physiology; a few years later I started racing professionally. I’m pretty sure that I then became one of the original triathlon coaches. While coaching and racing, I was also in the thick of the sports growing pains and at a time when there was almost no written info on anything triathlon. I was one of the originals (or as Tinley would say now, dinosaurs) and this is precisely the reason I took the Mountaineers Books up on their offer. I realized early on that I could give them a publication geared toward the intro-to-intermediate athlete and with my background offer an historical-twist to all the great info on how to create your triathlon life. In the end, putting it all together fired me up and I grew to love the sport all over again.

With a mix of oodles of experience, some knowledge gained from the halls of academia, and big respect for the history of the sport, I could put together a how-to book with a heavy dose of reflection and inspiration. Because what we also know about triathlon is that the characters that formed the history of tris are a huge-hearted adventurous lot who were willing to sacrifice their bodies for a look at how far we could take endurance performance. We learned (or didn’t) ‘the hard way’ or what I like to think of as socially accepted athletic masochism—how much to push to be able to tap into our best enduring selves.

Here is a bit from Triathlon Revolution:

“…Going After Your Hero

In the stress of work, family, and training, you can create an athletic life that is rewarding and fulfilling, while creating a rich lifestyle that exceeds anything you have known prior. Why live vicariously through someone else you consider a hero when you can create a life in your own mirror that is fabulous to view?

Triathlon has taught me that the heroes in life are everyday folks who fall on their faces time and again, pick themselves up, dust themselves off, learn from their falls, revel at the opportunities of the difficult lessons and heed them. Your hero should be yourself.

Admire the decisions you make in your own reality. Your success touches your life and the lives of your family and friends directly. That’s important stuff. Cross that finish line. Dream large.

Creating Your Triathlon Life

You have a huge advantage over people starting in triathlon back in the early years. People like me had to get a couple degrees, make a lot of mistakes, and watch the clients that I coach make mistakes in order to figure out how to train and race effectively. There is now an immense amount of information to help you efficiently create and develop your triathlon life, starting with this book.

This book will cover the keys to a progressive training process and how to pull it together. You’ll learn about swimming, biking, and running for triathlon, as well as nutrition, strength training, and flexibility training for triathlon. No triathlon book is complete without covering the most significant aspect of your athletic life—my favorite—the mental game. There are tips to taking your racing off-road and the virtues and means of going longer in your training and racing, as well as the things that will make your time on the roads more efficient and fun: designer foods, designer clothing, high-tech bikes, heart rate monitors, and more. If you get tired of listening to me or my stories, enjoy the many wise words generously shared by other experienced triathletes and a few of the sport’s legends…”

 So, even today I feel psyched about having produced this solid publication. Which is why in light of my newest book coming out in January, Dirty Inspirations: Lessons From the Trenches of Extreme Endurance Sports, I’m showcasing it again as a Holiday Give-away on Goodreads.
Sign up for a chance to get a free one while ‘friending’ me on Goodreads. The Give-away ends on December 9th.
Good luck!

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