A Reconnect

I have been remiss in sharing in this space as I’ve been doing lots of other writing to complete my next book, Dirty Inspirations: Lessons From the Trenches of Extreme Endurance Sports, which will come out the beginning of the year. I’m quite excited about this book! (more on that to come…)

An additional project I’ve recently taken on is raising money for Nepal Earthquake Relief and in that effort I offered a slide show at the Santa Cruz Food Lounge. I talked about my relationship with Nepal and Bhutan and why this particular part of the world and its people continue to hold a special place in my heart. Though the slide show and additional outside donations I’ve raised over $2000 and will be bringing that money to Nepal when I travel back to that area and Bhutan toward the end of August.

If you donated I wanted to warmly thank you for your generosity. I’m in the process of sorting out how the money will be allocated and will be giving updates on Facebook and through this blog. So stay tuned for more info on that. You can still donate at this link!

Amidst the writing and ongoing coaching and consulting I’ve been training for the Tour of the Dragon, 160 mi., mountain bike event in Bhutan. It will be the toughest one day event I’ve done on a bike and I’m pretty psyched about the opportunity to participate. When I return from Bhutan I’m looking to head up to the Sierras for some backpacking prior to final prep for Open Studios Art Show in Santa Cruz where I’ll be sharing images from my travels.

Stay tuned for more on our support of Nepal and my Fall adventures!



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