

Back in Bhutan

After dealing with a flight mix up (which involved calls to various embassies by friends in Bhutan and US to try and sort out where I was!!!) and a typhoon I have arrived in my beloved Bhutan, again. While on the drive from the airport to Thimphu I felt so much joy to be back in this beautiful, peaceful place. My heart is full. It was fitting that the first familiar face and hug was from Secretary General of Bhutan Olympic Committee! Bhutanese love to joke so I threw down my first at the airport when they did what is so common here—collect several people to do one task. “How many Bhutanese does it take to put a bike case […]


Category: Adventure




Adventure in Bhutan

Adventure Travel Bhutan: After creating, planning and executing Expedition Bhutan, a 2-month trekking and mountain biking journey across the country of Bhutan in 2011, I could have never imagined the intimate and ongoing relationship I’d develop with this stunning, culturally intriguing country.          Since that first foray into the land of Gross National Happiness, I’ve fundraised for Bhutanese individuals and non-profits, and lived and volunteered there for more than a year in total, co-creating the Bhutan International Marathon and Half Marathon and consulting on additional sporting initiatives.           As I get ready to head back again in a few weeks to, once again, ride Tour of the Dragon, a 268K, one-day mountain bike event which traverses the country (see my post on my first finish), I’m reflecting on how much […]


Category: Adventure




 Creating Our Future

Reflecting back on 2016 so many exciting, notable and moving memories come to mind. As I look forward to another fulfilling year I ask  the question—what do I wish to create in 2017? The long awaited Crossing Bhutan was premiered at Santa Barbara International Film Festival to a standing ovation for Ben Henretig, as well as several others festivals last year and I am now thrilled to share it with those in my hometown on January 27th—join us! My newest book, Dirty Inspirations, came out with a poignant and exciting book signing at my favorite, Book Shop Santa Cruz. I then took the book on my 8th trip to Bhutan, while once again supporting the Bhutan Olympic Committee in producing the 3rd Annual Bhutan International […]


Category: Adventure




Project What Matters 

What Matters? While crossing Bhutan, trekking and mountain biking in 2011, we started looking at this basic concept with the Bhutanese. Since then I’ve explored further with blog interviews, as well as within much of the writing I did for my new book, Dirty Inspirations: Lessons From the Trenches of Extreme Endurance Sports. The past several months I’ve picked up the thread again while doing a bit of traipsing around, and will fully explore while on an upcoming cycling trip across Spain on the Camino de Santiago trail. Its simple. I engage with another, either a stranger or someone familiar, and at some point in conversation I inquire, “Can I take your photo and then ask you a question?” I […]


Category: Bhutan




Science of Ultra Podcast Interview – All About Possibility

While on my last venture in Bhutan I had the pleasure of chatting with Shawn Bearden of Science of Ultra Podcast. We talk about possibility, joy, adventure and the natural tendency of humans to go after big adventure, all woven within the pages of Dirty Inspirations: Lessons From the Trenches of Extreme Endurance Sports. Shawn was a thoughtful interviewer and I want to thank him for all the work he puts toward a top notch podcast. Enjoy!


Category: Adventure




The Good News About Getting Out of Shape

A month in Bhutan with no bike, a running injury and a lot of excuses, left me back in CA in the worst shape that I can remember. Even if I am not training for an event or big (or small) adventure, I always train—for life. I enjoy swimming, biking, running, hiking, strength training and yoga while mixing in a couple other activities as desired. My body likes to cross train and even after all these years, I thrive on my activity time each day. So though I’m approaching 55, I haven’t known what it feels like to be in my 50’s and be totally out of shape. Now I know that it really really sucks. What I have known […]


Category: Adventure/Reflection